You will never guess what I have bought, yep you guessed it I have bought some Mormon Missionary action figures woooo, great stuff.
Anyway the last couple of days have been great, on monday me and Vicky got to know the area of Salt Lake city and temple square, temple square is Mormon Central within Salt Lake City and has the temple, the Mormon Church headquarters, museums and various other key places.
Later on we went to a family home evening at a singles ward, which is a Mormon church just full of single people, where we just played a game of wrapping up an egg in straws and then dropping it to see if it breaks.
This was a great chance to hang out with some local young Mormons and get to know them, they all love the english accent.
The next day we went back to temple square with a group of Teenagers from Arkensaw, Texas, but on the way we visited the Famous Utah Lighthouse ministry bookshop which is ran by Sandra Tanner.
Sandra is a descendant of Brigham Young, Her and her late Husband Jerald left the LDS church many years ago and at the time the problematic issues of Mormon History were not easily available so they set up what is now the best ministry in the world for information on Mormonism from a biblical and honest historical perspective. Their site is at
So after that we went to Temple square again with the kids from Arkensaw and spoke to some Sister Missionaries and had a tour of the conference centre which holds 21.000 people at the Mormon general conference.
This is where every 6 months the Mormon Church has its “General conference”. Where its Prophets and Apostles speak, the teaching of the church is that when the Apostle speaks His words are comparible to scripture.
So after this we went to watch Heart of the Matter, a show hosted by an ex Mormon now Christian Shawn Mccraney pictured here. Every week he looks at something within Mormonism and compares it to Christianity and has people call in to ask questions or make comments, its a fanastic show and you can watch past episodes at
So there we are so far, its wednesday and we are thinking of walking around Brigham City and praaying and asking God to give us opportunities to speak to people. We are having an amazing time here and its even better than we thought it would be.
We are realizing its not as easy as once thought to have good conversations with Mormons as we found around temple square they are very much on guard for people to go there and witness. On friday we are going to the Manti Pageant, from what we hear this should be the high point of our trip as thousands of Mormons go into this big even where the book of Mormon is portrayed through a big drama show, but while they are coming in and out there will be around 200 of us there to speak to them.
Please pray for us for that as that should be the best opportunity while we are here to reach out, more updates soon.
wow guys your in the heart of mormonism i wish u well and am praying for you the action figures look awsome lol
Welcome to Utah Bobby! I hope you enjoy our great State! Try and get out to see some of it before you head back to England, it’s truly beautiful here. Good luck with your witnessing, praying for you guys.
Im so glad everything is going okay for you guys, ive been praying for god to use you both to reach out to more people, keep safe guys,
love Nathan
thanks Nathan and Kate, having fun!!
glad to hear it
hope all is well and that you are both safe
god bless
In early October of ’09 on a Friday morning, a friend of mine was – and Iām choosing my wording carefully – assaulted by McCraney. This event happened at the TV station where he broadcasts his weekly show in Salt Lake City. The assault was mostly verbal with some minor physical contact. Shawn McCraney used the filthiest language imaginable (…you f**king piece of s**t…you pu**y…you scumbag…) over and over as he screamed at the top of his lungs. He also used threatening words (…I could take you out…). This went on for about 5-8 minutes. His followers will of course deny that such a “Man of God” would do such venomous, unChristlike, not to mention illegal actions. McCraney’s two puppets – Kevin Kennington & Marcus Maher – witnessed the whole event although later denied it ever took place.
Truth is, McCraney is a pseudo-Evangelical, skilled at marketing himself & his anti-LDS bandwagon. He demonstrates doctrinal and emotional instability. He should be given some sort of award for being an excellent actor on live TV.
hey UB obviously i dont know if this is true, but either way any Christian should know that people is not the place to look for perfection, the place to look is God. If shawn did this, it has no bearing on the truthfulness of biblical Christianity, just a reminder that we should always be aware of the imperfections of man, and be grateful for the grace that Christ gives.