Tag Archive for ‘Outreach to Mormons’

Help Bobby Go To Utah in 2014
Hey there all. As many who have been reading this blog for a while will know, I have been to Utah on mission trips for 3 years running between 2010 and 2012. These have been seriously some of the best times of my life. I have been on a daily basis actively involved in reaching… Read More ›

Anti-Mormon? The Mormon “Great Game”
Following the peaceful and successful Christian witness at the Mormon British Pageant held at the Mormon temple in Lancashire (right) and led by this ministry (see previous posts for reports) the inevitable and inevitably amateur response has appeared on the internet. The usual name-calling has been going on, one favourite being “protesters,” which brought a… Read More ›
The Miracle of Forgiveness
Are you forgiven? This is the most important question anyone can ever ask. The answer to it changes everything both in our relationships with others and most importantly in our relationship with God. The Bible says that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This means we all need forgiveness, the… Read More ›

Invite to Chorley Pageant Training Day.
This post is particularly to the Brits, and those in surrounding areas, and its just to invite you to a very important event on the 19th of January 2013. In the way of background as some readers may know I have been to Utah for three years running now on outreach trips to Mormons. In… Read More ›