Why reach out to Mormons 
From Mormonism To Christianity Conference 2014
(12)Recently in Salt Lake City (of course) there was a very interesting conference. I thought it may help those that are interested (and maybe unaware) of this conference to have all of the talks available in one place. So please find the youtube videos and audio’s that you can download if you want below…. Read More ›

Is The Mormon Gospel the Biblical Gospel? Lynn Wilder vs Michael Flournoy – Unbelievable?
Well Lynn and Michael Wilder have gone home now after a great speaking tour in the UK. You can catch one of the sessions they did on our podcast here. They did sessions in Kent, Wimbledon, Bradford and York. I believe in total around 250 people attended all of the sessions. However while they were… Read More ›

Sandra Tanner on Mormon Stories.
Recently Sandra Tanner of the Utah Lighthouse Ministry was interviewed by John Dehlin on the Mormon Stories podcast. This is generally a podcast I enjoy listening too anyway, but this was an outstanding set of episodes. Sandra and her late husband Jerald set up probably the longest ever running Christian ministry to Mormons… Read More ›
Bobby Teaching on Mormonism at Stockport Evangelical Church
We had a great time the other night at Stockport Evangelical Church, for anyone interested the full talk is above. You can also get the audio below. Teaching at local Churches and Christian organizations such as Bible Colleges is a key part of our ministry. If you would like to have one of us come… Read More ›

Bobby on the Fair Podcast
Some of you may remember a while ago we had Ned Scharisbrick from the FairMormon Podcast do an episode responding to some articles on this blog. This was a great chance to have some online communication with Ned. In the process of this he very kindly offered to have me go on his podcast and… Read More ›

Witnessing at your door – A Night with Russ East and Bobby Gilpin
We had a great time last night teaching on Mormonism from a Christian perspective and having Russ East here in Middlesbrough, UK from Utah sharing his story. Thanks to all that came and for those that did not, please check out the podcast here. Or the recording below.
Russ East Interviewed on his story out of the Mormon Church.
Russ East founder and director of Utah Partnerships for Christ, our parent ministry is interviewed on this video by Earl Erskine, who is an ex Mormon Bishop. Russ has a fascinating story of going from Mormonism to Christ, and now runs a great ministry hosting youth mission trips in Utah, as well as also… Read More ›
Why does Bobby Gilpin reach out to Mormons?
Hey all, some of you may have noticed me linking to Russ Bale’s interview by Suzanne Witt the other day on why he reaches out to Mormons. Yesterday I was also interviewed by Suzanne on why I do this, please see that interview above. I thought this would be helpful as this is a question I… Read More ›

Concerned Christians Conference 2013
Hey all for those of you who don’t know Concerned Christians, a ministry led by Andy Poland based in Arizona that seeks to reach out to Mormons, had their conference in the last month or so, you can catch the talks on youtube here. Of particular interest to me was Shawn Mccraney sharing his story… Read More ›
Why Do We Reach Out To Mormons? An Interview With Russ Bales.
This is a really interesting interview with my Utah based friend Russ Bales who runs the website Mormon Doctrine, talking about why he engages in the Ministry of reaching out to Mormons. This is helpful as it gets beneath the surface a bit on why people do this, as often I find we are seen… Read More ›