Sandra Tanner on Mormon Stories.



Recently Sandra Tanner of the Utah Lighthouse Ministry was interviewed by John Dehlin on the Mormon Stories podcast. This is generally a podcast I enjoy listening too anyway, but this was an outstanding set of episodes. Sandra and her late husband Jerald set up probably the longest ever running Christian ministry to Mormons and for years has produced information about the Mormon church, long before even the internet did that. In this interview Sandra goes right through her story and journey in running this ministry.


This has been my favourite set of podcasts about Mormonism for years and I cannot recommend listening to them enough. Please see videos and audio’s of all 4 parts below, or go to the Mormon Stories Podcast Website. (For the audios left click to listen or right click save link as to save.)


Part 1



Part 1 Audio.


Part 2



Part 2 Audio


Part 3



Part 3 Audio


Part 4



Part 4 Audio