Comments on: January 2014 Ensign Review, by Vicky Gilpin Fri, 10 Jun 2016 22:42:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bobby Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:13:34 +0000 Hi there Paul,

Rest assured this is far from all I do bud, but thanks for the concern. Happy to talk about any specific issues raised in this post or others whenever you like. You will find their is much mention of the Saviour throughout this site.

By: Paul Tue, 02 Sep 2014 13:37:15 +0000 Sorry that was ment for bobby not the roy fella

By: Paul Tue, 02 Sep 2014 13:34:32 +0000 Have a look at what you are doing Roy .No mention of the Savior,his teachings,his love ,his sacrifice. You are putting so much time, effort,and passion into this mormon rant it is consuming you. I bet you eat breath and live it every day and the ole Devil just sits back and ses well thats got him hooked now no time for Christ he is on his own crusade.The Devil loves contention Roy and you are feeding of it. Just be yourself a Christian

By: Bobby Tue, 25 Feb 2014 09:44:30 +0000 Thanks Jr, is this a general rant or a list of things you feel this website is specifically guilty of? In which case lets talk about them.

By: jr Tue, 25 Feb 2014 09:42:38 +0000 “would you not warn me of something harmful if you knew that to be the case say a street you saw me driving down that was a one way street, or a road under construction that was unsafe…would you not show concern and care and let me know I was in danger?”

This example does not work for comparison of what LDS critics claim they are doing, and.. it.. is.. always used by LDS critics; always..without fail. I see this example on every site critical of LDS.

LDS critics do not show concern and care (and do not pull some of the other poor analogies used by LDS critics that just do not work.) When someone is in an unsafe area, like in the example of being on a one way street, the person doing the warning usually does not argue with the person who is unsafe, nor does the person doing the warning call the unsafe person names, ridicule what they did, make fun of them, criticize them, dress them down for their stupidity and denseness, and so forth. That is why this is such a poor example and a cop out to use it.

It all sites critical of LDS really showed concern and care, they would be interested in honest dialogue, they would refrain from being overly critical and refrain from name calling, refrain from making false accusations, quite using mocking tones, quite ridiculing what we believe is sacred.
Use quotes in context, quite using sources of people who are known to have lied about their credentials (like “Dr.” “Dr.” Martin – and many others like him). Quite using outdated sources and information that has been debunked. Quite perpetrating myths and lies. Quite accusing LDS of twisting Scripture, and understand that every religion and people interprets Scripture differently. Quite dismissing sources LDS use and quite calling those sources hacks, jokes, false, uneducated boobs, and quite assuming they were all educated at BYU (which does not matter if they were). Quite saying LDS can not express their opinions; but yet the critics express their opinions and use it as fact. Quite telling LDS we do not know what we believe. (And when the LDS turn the table on the critics, the critics start howling. The critics can dish it out but can not take it)

Truly (try) to understand where the LDS are coming from and concede that a lot of LDS beliefs are Biblical and that LDS beliefs have a lot in common with mainstream Christianity. There are many non-LDS scholars that have proven LDS believe in the Biblical Christ, and have shown where LDS theology comes from and what it is related to in the Bible.
The critics should find common ground from which to have true, genuine, uncritical, dialogue with out being condescending and hypocritical. (An example of hypocrisy: attacking the LDS church for blatant racism, when there are mainstream Christian churches that still practice blatant racism and use the Bible to back it up.)

And the critics need to quite stabbing in the back their own who do have honest and cordial discourse with the LDS. Quite splitting hairs over one little area of disagreement, quite nit picking a topic to death, quite beating a dead horse, quite throwing out many hateful things at once to distract from your frustration – for example: (and this happens all the time) – “well, ole Jo Smith was a money digger, pedophile, charlatan, liar, racist, married women who were still married, was a Mason, was evil, a drunkard, smoked, etc.; and let us not forget Brigham Young who did those same things.” And so forth to detract from the topic and to detract from what the LDS are saying. And THEN the LDS person gets personally attacked after all this diatribe. Every..single..time. And PLEASE, quite saying the same things over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over……because nothing is being said or accomplished.

And what is sad about all of this is that critics rationalize their bad, boorish behavior and think it is alright to treat people and their beliefs this way.
I have on many occasions dared critics to do to Muslims what they do to LDS. So far have not seen it. Too scared because the critics know what will happen. Yes, the critics have a double standard (one of many things they accuse LDS of).

I have been called a liar, troll, stupid, dense, evil, devil worshiper, fool, coward, and so forth, And in person I have been treated even worse. Really caring stuff here. Riiiiight.

Thank you for your time.

Concerning the Priesthood and the Apostle John and the Three Nephites: These four people have different roles to do/play. And they are no longer mortal. So yes, the Priesthood did need to be restored to a mortal, human being, to be taken to other mortal, human beings.

By: Russ East Tue, 21 Jan 2014 06:31:52 +0000 Roy,
I agree with what Bobby said above…would you not warn me of something harmful if you knew that to be the case say a street you saw me driving down that was a one way street, or a road under construction that was unsafe…would you not show concern and care and let me know I was in danger? I hope you see our motive is pure, and that when you combine what you have read so far and think about the claims of Joseph Smith in terms of the need for a restoration since the truth had left the face of the earth when the last apostle died…I hope you will stop and consider the fact that Mormon teaching claims that the Apostle John and three Nephite Apostles Jesus ordained in the Americas have been roaming the earth from the time of the Resurrection of Christ, that being said…the priesthood they hold could not have been removed from the earth. This is a fact about LDS teaching that deserves some contemplation. Mormon teaching says that John was one of the apostles who gave Joseph Smith the Melchizedek Priesthood, so surely the Nephite apostles had it too…if these three continue to roam the earth…there was no need for a restoration. Roy, I pray you look at Jesus alone, not Jesus and a Temple ceremony, or Jesus and a church, I pray you will see that Jesus is enough and that you will simply do what John 1:12, and Acts 16:31, and understand what Titus 3:4-7 is all about. Your friend, Russ East

By: Bobby Sat, 18 Jan 2014 12:22:08 +0000 Hi there Roy, very simply we see it as the loving thing to do to share things like this in order for people to see they are in the wrong place.

Our hope is that we help people in their journey of coming to the true gospel of Christ and to know Him for real, that is why this site focuses more on theological than historical issues.

Please see some of the tabs above such as ministry media for more info on why we do this.

By: Roy Whitehead Sat, 18 Jan 2014 12:19:20 +0000 I just wonder what your problem is? Are you happy that faiths other than Christianity continue to exercise their religion as they please? So why not allow Mormons to do the same. I am a convert (baptised 1963) who is less than convinced with all the facts now available but I am not trying to diminish the faith of those that wish to believe.

Best wishes

