Further Responses to Uchtdorf’s talk

I guess as expected the talk “Come join with us” has caused quite a stir in the Mormon world, both with pro/liberal and critics. Here are a couple of interesting perspectives I have come across that you may find interesting.


Firstly from an Evangelical Perspective, Shawn Mccraney.


Secondly from a more secular perspective, but certainly I found the observations fascinating was John Larsen at Mormon Expression, you can find that episode here.


What did you think of the talk?


thanks a lot

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2 Responses »

  1. Incredible. Shawn telling it like it is, as usual. He cuts through all the deceit like a knife.

  2. What struck me about the talk was first the uninterrupted divine revelation followed by mistakes have been made. It is good to know that the LDS church only makes divinely inspired mistakes. I don’t see too many people who have left being drawn back in by this talk. People who have left, and speaking as one of them, have often left for good reasons. Those reasons for leaving are not easily put on a shelf, aren’t easily doubted. It would be great if the church would frankly and openly review its history and doctrine and accept that it will be a much smaller church once it determined that the BOM is fiction for example. A third will stay, and with the assets and investments it already holds, it could reorganize and continue as a smaller organisation, but likely one with more credibility.

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