Comments on: Questions? Another Blog from UK Partnerships for Christ ( Thu, 08 Mar 2012 12:47:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kate Tue, 30 Nov 2010 16:59:47 +0000 Nice to see you Pete! I assume you are talking about Revelation? I am just barely starting to study this as a new Christian! Give me awhile to search it out and decide what I think!

By: Smelly Pete Wed, 10 Nov 2010 18:05:29 +0000 James,

Well done for believing in evolution. As a geology student it would be hard not too. I don’t know how you can reconcile the myth of Adam and Eve with evolution. But that’s your choice. If you can believe in Adam and Eve you can pretty much believe in anything.

Probably, if pressed, most religious believers would admit that they don’t believe in intelligent design and a lot of religious myths because they are just too impossible to believe. I wonder how many people really truly believe in possessed pigs that talk, flying angels of death, virgin births, levitation and miracles. There is no evidence for such things and such things have not happened in the modern world because of science and the fact that most people are better educated, less trusting of authority and therefore less superstitious. I have no doubt that if the world was plunged back into the Dark Ages for whatever reason, the belief in superstition would rise. We see this, just under the surface, today. A huge amount of people consult tarot card readers, so called mediums, faith healers, holistic practitioners and read their horoscopes. A lot of people don’t have the inclination or time or education to search for the truth so prefer a superstitious answer which sums it up neatly without having to invest a lot of time mentally questionning it. If you are a poor slum dweller in India and your religion/culture tells you that you deserve to be in a low caste because God’s authority made it that way then you aren’t going to argue when that is the norm of society. In Ireland the Catholic Church had its grip on a fearful population for generations. Only recently it has been revealed that the Irish government was complicit in their crimes or ignored it. In America, the religious right are a force to be reckoned with with some states teaching intelligent design as a fact. In Great Britain educational academies with private funding are teaching the values of their financiers, also teaching creationism as a fact or at least as a theory as worthy as evolution which is patently nonsense. The danger is, is a lot of religious movements are oppressive and act as a kind of release, a comfort blanket for those who really need to think for themselves. Again I refer to the low castes of India, the women of Iran who are followed by religious police if they dare venture out unaccompanied and woe forbid they dare talk to a man! The poor of Africa who are fed the Vatican’s propaganda and believe it etc, etc.

By: James Tue, 09 Nov 2010 03:15:20 +0000 Kate,
Rather than go round and round, I’m just going to say, in the friendliest way possible, that I disagree with your last comments towards me.

Just for the record, I am a graduate student of geology. I believe that the Earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old. I believe that organic evolution has been a real process through Earth’s history. I believe that man evolved from a lower life form.

That being said, I also believe in Adam and Eve. I also believe in God. I also believe in the Bible. I have pretty nuanced views of these things, and they are things I’ve had the chance to think a lot about.

Not all LDS share my views on these things. My experience is that probably a majority of LDS don’t believe in evolution, but there is a really large minority that does. Organic evolution is taught at BYU. The Church takes no official stance on these issues, and lets its membership study these topics out and form their own ideas (as they do with most topics).


By: Kate Mon, 08 Nov 2010 15:19:46 +0000 Pete,
I am so sorry to hear about your illness. Wish you the best with that. Bobby pretty much explained it. Before you really experience any of that, you have to invite Christ into your life. All I can say to you is trust that God loves you and wants you to know him. I think anyone can have a personal relationship with him no matter what denomination they belong to. Hope that helps. Oh and I wasn’t raised a Christian either. In fact the way I was raised, in a lot of ways is in direct contradiction to Christianity.

By: Smelly Pete Mon, 08 Nov 2010 14:50:31 +0000 Okay Bobby, thanks for the insight. I have never experienced that.

I know you weren’t brought up a Christian but the tradition in England is Christianity so it would have been unlikely you would have found Hinduism or Buddhism unless you mixed in those circles. You might well have turned to Islam if you lived in Pakistan for example.

By: mormonisminvestigated Mon, 08 Nov 2010 10:47:47 +0000 It can be either Pete, God knows all of our thoughts and hears our every word, He even knows what we will say before we say it. Sometimes in terms of feelings when praying you feel nothing you just trust that He is listening. Sometimes it feels like your heart is burning and you feel really close to God.

And certainly many times people feel God speaking to them, whether it is an internal impression or an audible voice, I have never had the second but I know people who have, however the important thing is because I know from the bible that God listens to and answers prayer, even if I dont feel it or get an immediate answer, I can trust He is there.

And also I was not brought up a Christian :)

By: Smelly Pete Mon, 08 Nov 2010 10:08:01 +0000 One question I would like to ask is, many religious people say they talk to God. When they say this, are they actually having a conversation or is it internal talk? Is it a meditation on one’s self and one’s circumstsnces? Does a booming voice speak out and a light appear?

I would like to know how people claim to experience it.

By: Smelly Pete Mon, 08 Nov 2010 10:06:13 +0000 I can see what you are saying but I can’t bring myself to believe in intelligent design. It throws up too many questions like who created the creator? I think people are religious because of their culture rather than independent thinking but that’s another discussion. As I am dying of liver failure cos of alcoholism I don’t have much time to take out an insurance policy! But the more I read about religion the more turned off I am. They all seem to have major pitfalls such as the lack of evidence and the crimes committted in their names, not just Christianity but pretty much all of them.

By: Kate Mon, 08 Nov 2010 02:35:40 +0000 Now Pete, I understand your thinking, but I’m not saying that I don’t believe in Christ. I do. I am a Christian. I believe the Bible is the Word of God. I look at all creation and I don’t think that it was caused by a “big bang.” I don’t believe I evolved from a fish. Jesus didn’t die to give us a legalistic religion. He died to give us eternal life, through him. Not too complicated. He came, did away with the Old Testament and gave us a new and better way. We get into trouble when men decide to mix the Old Testament laws in with the New Testament of Christ. ( Read Galatians )They completely undo everything Christ did for us on the Cross. Sad really.

By: Smelly Pete Mon, 08 Nov 2010 00:06:22 +0000 Very true Kate, just as many Catholics don’t know the history of their Church, it’s no wonder Mormons do. Many Muslims don’t know anything about their faith, neither do Hindus. It’s something they are brought up with. If I had been brought up to believe in The Force instead of God or Luke Skywalker instead of Jesus, I’d believe in that and probably the Star Wars scripts would be my Bible. Most people come to religion as kids and it’s drummed into them and they only believe it because their parents, uncles, aunts, cousins and commmunity believe it. A logical person can see all religion as being no different to Greek myths or Chinese folk-tales. It’s nonsense. Mohammed was never visited by the Angel Gabriel, Jesus didn’t ascend to Heaven on a cloud, Buddhas wasn’t reincarnated, Adam & Eve didn’t exist let alone be tempted by a snake, and Joe Smith didn’t find golden scrolls in a mountain. It is simply impossible and irrational.

It’s the 21st Century. We can see galaxies light years away, we can defeat disease, we can fly across continents, we can send information across the world in an instance but still people persist in believing in crude, simplistic dark age superstitions. I’m not singling out Mormonism because it couldn’t exist in a vacuumn. All religion is simplistic, pre-enlightenment thinking. The opium of the people in darker days and today abused by the powerful to commit terrible crime (be it crazed Islamists in Palestine or far-right Republicans in America bombing innocent people in other countries) and keep people oppressed, stupid and ignorant.
