Hey all check out above, in my Utah Trip I was able to briefly go on Shawn Mccraneys Show heart of the Matter again, it was a great opportunity and I recommend watching the whole show linked to below.
Heart of the Matter, Book of Mormon Blunders
Hi all I meant to do more updates through this trip but it just hasn’t worked out with lack of computer access etc. Today I am all done with Ministry and am having a couple of days free staying in the Salt Lake City area.
But its been an amazing few days, I have been to Manti with the group from Bethel Grace Baptist Church for the last two nights of the Miracle Pageant there. The first night was hard going with many LDS people passing us by saying that we were evil and not wanting to talk to us.
However the 2nd night was really great, right from the outset we had two excellent conversations with LDS people talking about Jesus and how we can come to know Him, one of those discussions is above. I realized that at events like this it is not a good start to try and talk to people about problems with Mormonism, or hand them a leaflet about Joseph Smith as this just starts them off on the defensive. The two great chats we had just started by asking LDS people what does Jesus mean to you?
So by this I mean just talking about Jesus and who He is and all He has done for us and then digging beneath the surface on the LDS view of Jesus compared to the biblical one is more than enough ground to cover at least initially.
And yesterday we went to Ephraim Church of the bible in the morning and then travelled back to Salt Lake City. I had the chance to show another group of people from California around temple square as a forerunner to their week of outreach in Utah.
So anyway just a brief update, thanks for your prayers and interest in this and normal blog posts will resume soon.
We started by hearing Sandra Tanner speak, sharing her story and various interesting aspects of Mormonism, looking at how the Temple Endowments have changed, and equipping all of the teenagers there on witnessing to Mormons at the Manti Pageant.
After that we went to temple square in Salt Lake City (temple pictured above) and gave out tracts and spoke to people passing by. Its clear that the LDS church is very well aware of Christians coming to that area this time of year as we were approached by security as soon as we walked through the temple grounds and told not to give out our flyers on LDS Church Property.
It was a great first day with some of the group having great discussions with Mormons and a liberal Christian in the area. After that we visited Sandra Tanners bookshop and called it a day.
Today we are giving out free Car Wash’s at the blue house in Ogden, please pray for us that we get some great conversations with people from it.
This time I am specifically working with a group from Bethel Grace Baptist Church from California who are doing their annual Mission trip to Utah for the 2nd year running. Every day I will be doing worship and training with them on the morning and then going to various places throughout the week.
We will be joining many other Christians in doing Street outreach at the Manti Miracle Pageant, which is an event put on by the Mormon church that thousands (around 85000 over the two weeks) of Mormons go and watch, and as they walk into the seating area we will be there to engage those who will speak with us in some good discussions.
We will go to various other places, also including BYU (Brigham Young University) which is a university of around 30.000 students 95% of which are Mormon.
Our desire will be to lovingly preach the biblical gospel to all who will speak with us and have a great time, I will post on here as often as I can with photos and updates throughout the trip.
Please, please pray for me in the following ways.
There are a lot of exciting developments and opportunities coming up for me in the UK at the moment, and this Utah trip while being the highlight is one of many things going on. Please continue to pray for me as I am still learning and growing but am loving all the doors God is opening.
If anyone would like to support this trip and this ministry financially that would be really appreciated, its something I rarely if ever ask for but the need is starting to increase with websites and various trips coming up that can be expensive. A paypal donation to [email protected] would be the easiest way but please get in touch if you would like to give in another way.
Also if any of you missed it I recently did an interview on the Apologetics 315 Podcast. Please check it out.
But mostly please pray for me and keep in touch.