Comments on: The Book of Mormon: Should Christians Pray About It? Fri, 14 Feb 2014 01:38:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kate Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:45:08 +0000 Kristie,
My heart goes out to you. I was LDS born and raised for 40 years. I have been out officially for a year now. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. After 5 years of researching all of Mormonism (LDS version and others) I think the most important thing is who God is and who Jesus is. Please research this. Compare the God of the Bible and the Jesus of the Bible with the LDS version. Other Mormon denominations believe in the Holy Trinity, why? Your testimony is the same as all LDS that I know, why? It’s because like me, you have heard it over and over every month at fast and testimony meeting and it’s reinforced in Primary, Young Womens, Priesthood Meeting, Young Mens, Relief Society and Sunday School. How do little children as young as 3 “know” that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and that the LDS church is true? I had this same testimony. I too used to get offended when someone would tell me I wasn’t a Christian. Like you, I would point out the name of Christ in the name of our church. Doesn’t it bother you that all LDS come back with that line? Why do all LDS give that reason? Have you ever asked yourself why Christians say Mormons aren’t Christians? Christianity and Mormonism have a different God. The Christian God of the Bible is Trinitarian in nature, unchanging, the only God, besides him He knows no other God, there were no Gods before him and there will be no Gods after Him. The Christian Jesus is God incarnate. The Mormon God is nothing but an exalted man who lived on an earth like you and worked his way to godhood and is one of millions or maybe billions of gods, who is a polygamist, somehow procreating spirit babies with his who knows how many wives. The Mormon Jesus has been demoted to your spirit brother who needs your help to Save you. These are different Gods Kristie. This is why Christians say Mormons are not Christian and rightly so. May you one day ask yourself the hard questions and ask the Lord to help you find the answers, trusting in Him to lead you and not relying on your own feelings as I know you have been taught to do. There is only one Christ who Saves and he can’t be found in Mormonism.

By: Bobby Thu, 23 Aug 2012 05:39:13 +0000 Alternatively one thing I have said before is that I will pray that God reveals His truth, I think this keeps praying in the mix but also does not put you within the restrictions of Moroni’s promise.

By: Bobby Thu, 23 Aug 2012 05:29:33 +0000 Thanks for that, I think rather than carry this on into a big debate I would just say I will bare those in mind but fundamentally I have to say I disagree, I did notice when you at first put this discussion on your own facebook page. I saw that people there were dead against the idea of evangelicals attempting to reach out to Mormons at all, I am not sure these opinions raised are with any sympathy to what we are doing, however that does not take away from the fact that these are their views.

Funnily enough the last time I met up with some missionaries they said they would not talk Mormon Doctrine with me at all until I had a testimony of the truthfulness of the church, not just that I pray about it, but that I pray about it and get an affirmative answer.

While the process of communicating the biblical gospel to Mormons may not be an exact science with black and white right and wrong methods, I think that sticking with the guidelines on this video is definitely a good way of starting the discussions off as you mean to go on, and going with Moroni’s promise would only lead to the problem of the missionaries telling you, you need to keep praying with more sincerity and so on.

I think your perspective that only those who know Mormonism like you and your friends do can truly get through to Mormons does have some merit but even that only goes so far, if God is real and does draw people to Himself as Jesus said in John 6:44 that He does, and if Gods word really is living and active as Hebrews 4:12 says it is, then going with the methodology set out by the bible is surely the safest bet as God has even more power to save than any full perspective on Mormonism ever can.

Here is what we see in the bible people did when approached with new teaching.

Acts 17:11 Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.

They didnt pray about it but they searched the scriptures, and so should we.

By: journeyofloyaldissent Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:24:29 +0000 Just getting back as promised to report some comments received from post-Mormons in response to the above video presentation.

Please understand, lest I be yet again misunderstood, I am not sharing these responses in order to challenge in any way the idea that Christians should not pray about the BoM.

Although titled “The Book of Mormon: Should Christians Pray About It?” that doesn’t accurately describe what the video addresses. Its central theme, having pre-supposed that the answer to this question is “no”, (which I don’t disagree with in essence by the way), is, as Shazaloo clearly explains at round about 1 minute and 10 seconds onwards, some ways in which to counter the LDS missionaries’ attempts to invite investigators to pray about the BoM. Perhaps the video might more properly be titled “The Book of Mormon: How to Challenge a Mormon Missionary’s Sales Pitch”

Presumably however, in line with the purposes of this blog, the Christian’s aim will be to go beyond justification of a choice not to pray about the BoM, to reaching out to the young men or women standing before you as LDS representatives, to assist them in seeing a larger and fuller picture of their own culture. If the aim is to enlighten, rather than merely to counter or justify, it is crucial that the worldview of those before you, (and the likely impact of what you say upon that worldview), is properly understood. If it is not understood, then lasting damage rather than positive assistance may be the result. You may wonder if that really matters. If so, then ponder for a moment an image of little ones, and millstones.

Surely no-one is in a better position to assess the usefulness of the ideas presented, you would think, than those who have already made, or are in the process of making the long and difficult journey out of Mormonism. I asked the following question of some who are in that position:

“What would your honest response have been as a True Believing Mormon to the material presented in the video?”

Here are some representative comments received:

Comment 1:
As a TBM, I would have thought that he was pretty arrogant and using the books he showed would have made me want to leave his home asap! Also the example of whether you would pray about going into a park with a gun to shoot children is not going to help his argument one little bit. Anyone, Christian or Atheist, would know that’s a complete no, no!! I probably would not be open to anything else he said after that.

Comment 2:
As well meaning as he is, I believe a better approach would be to ask about the contradictions within Mormon doctrine (and there are plenty) and/or discuss Biblical passages.

Comment 3:
Just seeming to be critical of the missionaries’ methods will not help either party.

Comment 4:
This approach can be counter-productive. You may think it is all nonsense, you may be able to prove a percentage of it is rot but telling people so in many cases will just have the other person think you are calling them stupid, even if you mitigate it by saying, “Hey I’ve been there too, and I know I was being an idiot until I realised the truth”

Comment 5:
I think I would have found it rather puerile, and the effect on me would have been if anything to confirm me in my Mormon views, rather than help me to start questioning anything.

Comment 6:
Rather offensive. I think I would have turned away, said each to his own, and left him to preach to himself.

Comment 7:
I’d like to think it would have piqued my curiosity, but in all honesty, I was so involved in the church at the time, I would probably have laughed it off and dismissed it as typical anti-Mormon ranting.

For what it is worth Shazaloo, I think your efforts are commendable insofar as they may be used to explain to converted Christians why they might not take seriously an invitation to investigate the spiritual content of the BoM. However, as a method for dealing with LDS missionaries, or other LDS members who are the product of long-term indoctrination, there is cause to rethink your strategy. If you value Mormons, (and I believe you do), then the verdict appears to be that in the long term you may do actual harm using this approach. Because your methods appeal to your own worldview, does not guarantee its usefulness in unravelling another very different one. Please accept this criticism in the positive spirit it is offered.

By: journeyofloyaldissent Sun, 19 Aug 2012 23:14:26 +0000 Supposing Joseph Smith didn’t do the things we have been taught that he did, would you want to know Kristie? That is the question which determines how sincere we are.

If you did wish to know, would you be prepared to weigh all the evidence fairly, both for and against? That is the question which determines how committed to truth we are.

If the evidence led you away from what you presently say you will never renounce, would you still follow? That is the question which determines whether we really do trust in Jesus fully.

Some of us here have answered these questions affirmatively, and it takes courage and strength to do so. I wish everything we were taught in Sunday School, and YW lessons was true, but real history sadly tells another story. I wish it were not so, but it is.

In the end it doesn’t matter at all what Joseph did. It only matters what God did.

Good luck on your continuing journey Kristie.

By: Chatfield Glenn Sun, 19 Aug 2012 20:38:43 +0000 Kristie,

What is your testimony? Have you personally witnessed the “First Vision?” Have you examined the history of Joseph Smith and the entire LDS faith? Your “testimony” is likely to be only agreeing with what you have been told. How do you KNOW that the LDS is the true church? What investigation have you done to verify?

Since the Bible says that there will be no marriages in heaven, you contradict Scripture by claiming eternal marriage.

You say that you have extra Scriptures which support the Bible: have you really compared them with the Bible? They contradict the Bible in many, many, many areas of doctrine and history, let alone the identities of God and Jesus. Take a look at my blog and I list many of them.

I bear you my testimony that I know that the LDS is a fraudulent faith, that Joseph Smith was a false prophet, and that the BOM, POGP, D&C are all works of Smith and not of God.

One of our testimonies has to be wrong. If I’m right, you will spend eternity in hell. I pray you investigate these things for yourself.

By: Bobby Sun, 19 Aug 2012 19:38:46 +0000 Its not just the principle of what Smith did that’s the problem, its the trail of issues he left behind, I went through a number of them in my last comment. There is a danger of us just going in circles here of talking about, talking about the issues, if you would like to pick one of the issues I raised I would be happy to explain it further.

By: Kristie Bray Sun, 19 Aug 2012 19:36:32 +0000 I came on this forum because a friend pointed it out to me and asked for my opinion. I make a point of speaking to people from any religious background to find out as much as I can about it. If we have an extra book that supports the teachings of the bible, does that make it wrong? There are plenty of religious books that back up the teaching of the bible. We trust in Jesus fully. If you believe in miracles, why is it not possible for a 14 year old boy to find and translate the records of an ancient people through the guidance of the Holy Spirit?

By: Bobby Sun, 19 Aug 2012 19:05:53 +0000 Hi Kristie if you didnt come to debate why did you come to a so called “Anti-Mormon” site, was it to bear your testimony, shake the dust off your feet and leave us anti Mormons in our state of darkness with even less of an excuse because someone else of the faithful had declared what they know?

I am guessing so, and thats ok if I was in your position I would do the same, however the fact that you have even clicked on a site like this says that all those things that Mormons so often put on the shelf are catching up on you, although you would never admit it and maybe I am wrong however think about it. Right through Mormonism from the beginning to, today we have masses of problems, multiple first vision accounts, the cannonisation of a document that says something about God (that He is Spirit) contrary to something that was supposedly revealed to Smith years ago (the lectures on faith). Joseph Smith marrying other mens wives sometimes in secret, he translated a book of scripture from egyptian papyrus when later these papyrus are shown to say something entirely different, (the book of Abraham) and the list goes on right through to a church today (which has the name of Jesus Christ in it, but so could the church of Jesus Christ of bananas) that constantly backs off from its founding beliefs saying those Antis are giving half truths, where does it end?

You can bear your testimony again, and again, and again but the only person you are convincing is you, this site is always here for you and there are loads of articles here for you to spend time looking at and comment on however you wish.

You said living to true standards makes you a Christian and thats what its all about, that very statement proves to me fully the unChristian teachings of Mormonism, Isaiah 64:6 will show you what your good works will do and Romans 4:5 will show you what your good works could never do, I do what I do because I am in stinkin love with Mormons and I pray that I get as many of you guys as possible to stop trusting in your standards and works and totally 100% unreservedly trust in Jesus. I have no hate towards Mormonism and I certainly dont hate Mormons, if thats what you are picking up here you should read or watch any posts again.

By: Kristie Bray Sun, 19 Aug 2012 18:14:24 +0000 I didn’t come on this forum to argue with you. I have a firm testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is God’s true church on the earth restored by Joseph Smith. Nothing anyone can say can shake that. I am sealed to my husband and the temple and will be with him and my children forever. That is what makes me happy,
With regards your perception as to whether we are Christians or not, I would like to point out the name of our denomination. It includes Christ in the name. The definition of a Christian is “A person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings.” (Not my definition, google it!) We believe that Jesus was the Christ, that he died for the sins of the world and that he rose again. We believe that he taught people to love one another and to live to be the best they can be. As a Christian, I live to the standards I believe will enable me to be the best I can be and return to live with our Heavenly Father again. This is what I believe makes a true Christian, regardless of denomination. If you love all people, you will pray for this and not for someone to come to your point of view.
