Comments on: A CONTINUING JOURNEY OF LOYAL DISSENT (Part 2): Fri, 30 May 2014 16:23:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bobby Thu, 13 Sep 2012 06:42:00 +0000 No problem Jeff have a good day and Vickys response is not far off now.

By: Jeff Walsh Thu, 13 Sep 2012 06:40:59 +0000 I’ve got to go out now, tell Vicky I would love to have her comments on the Apostasy posts. Cheers Jeff

By: Bobby Thu, 13 Sep 2012 06:37:46 +0000 Haha maybe

By: Jeff Walsh Thu, 13 Sep 2012 06:37:10 +0000 I think you are getting paranoid.

By: Bobby Thu, 13 Sep 2012 06:33:37 +0000 No problem im sure theres an anti-mormon conspiracy to be found
On every site :)

By: Jeff Walsh Thu, 13 Sep 2012 06:32:35 +0000 Ok, just seems strange thats all. Jeff

By: Bobby Thu, 13 Sep 2012 06:26:43 +0000 No not at all Jeff, matthew has commented only once or twice and i dont think he has ever responded when someone asks him a question. As for others there are a few that comment here and there but none have been asked not to comment here apart from that one time I asked them to hang back, i guess They have not seen this or they are just watching the discussion.

By: Jeff Walsh Thu, 13 Sep 2012 06:23:31 +0000 Hi Bobby, I have just being reviewing our exchanges and a thought have just struck me, on another post you asked that other people seeing my post hang back so that the waters would not get muddied.

I am surprised that others like Matthew Gill would also have contributed to this conversation, Maybe I am a little cynical but where are all the others who frequent your site, are they under instructions not to contrubute? Jeff

By: Bobby Sat, 08 Sep 2012 08:55:04 +0000 Hi jeff humble apologies on the spelling issue and meeting sounds interesting, could you email me your phone numbet and we could talk to arrange thanks

By: Jeff Walsh Sat, 08 Sep 2012 08:43:10 +0000 Bobby, Hi,

Thanks for your last posts, I live in York so it should not be a big problem getting together, maybe we could arrannge to meet sometime, I was wondering if maybe you would like to come down with a couple of your friends and have a meeting in our chapel, where we could discuss where we stand on our views of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Would this be completely out of the question?

Just to answer a few questions you asked:-

1. We do believe that there are eternal laws which govern this and other worlds, it is my understanding that the same Plan of Salvation that we have been given is a universal plan on all other worlds. The Old and New Testaments are not seperate they are part of the canon of scripture given to us by our Heavenly Father. They show His mind and will and are evidence of the way He is guiding the affairs of His children through the Plan of Salvation, This plan is known to us today as the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As already pointed out the law we are living today is the higher law, the Mosaic law was given to the children Isreal was a lesser law given because of disobedience as Paul explained, but this law was fulfilled or came to an end when the Saviour began His public ministry.

2. Try again Bobby his Name is Thomas Spencer MonsOn, not MonsEN.

2.1 Thank you I stand corrected, the general feeling though in the world is to disregard the commandments of God, and the churches in general today seem to be changing their positions to come in line with public thinking.
The Doctrine and Covenants were not things that the Prophet Joseph Smith made up, they are revelations from God given for us in our day, and in general were given to re-organise the Church of Jesus Christ in our day and dispensation, which dispensation is called the Dispensation of the fulness of Times. This says to me that this is the last time the Gospel is to be restored therefore His Church will not be taken away again, notwithstanding the onslaught that is being raged today to destroy it!!!!!. You are right that apart from the Revelations giiven to Wilford Woodruff and President Spencer W Kimball there have been no formal revelations given which need to be approved and voted on by the Church. However we belive that when our PROPHET speaks in General Conference we are hearing the mind an will of our Heavenly Father being given today. Oh and by the way, our Heavenly Father put the restriction of witholding the Priesthood on the descendants of Cain, and He lifted this restriction in 1978, if you want to question why, please address the question to Him. President Kimball was just following instructions, thus evidencing the need for revelation being needed today. I am glad you experienced this too.

3. We are all encouraged not just to be blindly obedient, for example once a month in Priesthood and relief Society Meetings we discuss one of the talks given in the last conference and invite discussion, Maybe Paul was explaining this principle of discussing before accepting the words of the Apostles, (by the way, we sustain the 1st Presidency and Quorum of the 12 As Prophets Seers and Revelators today,) they would have done the same in Paul’s day.

The reason that I mention Quinn, Compton and his cohorts so much is that the web sites such as Mormon Think and, Utah Lighthouse Ministry etc is that invariably they use the “so called” evidences ( including the words of David Whitmer point 9) which attack Joseph Smith,These are the web sites that our members are encourage to look at to get information about “the hidden early history”. So Bobby although if you have not read the books these dissidents if you are relying on these web sites to give you information about the Church then you are believing this stuff.

5 I refer you to D&C 93:1. Does this sound as if we are being lead away form Christ?

6, Not to people in general but specifically to the Apostles.

8. You will have to explain to me the expression “all who are in Christ” when we meet .

Hebrews 7 is Paul explaining the difference between the Law of Moses and the Levitical Priesthood and the Higher laws which involves the Melchizedek Priesthood. This would also be a good topic we can spaek more about when we meet.

10 We need to discuss being saved by faith, Faith in what? Lets discuss this further when we meet…

Thanks Jeff
