Comments on: The Impossible Gospel of Mormonism Another Blog from UK Partnerships for Christ ( Mon, 09 Jul 2012 17:08:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keith Walker Thu, 14 Jun 2012 19:47:10 +0000 H. Lions,
Thanks for your comments. I’m sorry you feel the way you do about my use of Alma 34. I have just now re-watched the segment of the video you mentioned and I stand by my use of it. I specifically mentioned that I believe I was led by the Lord to use Alma 34 *in the way that I used it.*

The comparison of what I did and what the Westborough Baptist Church does is an unsubstantiated and frankly irresponsible, comparison. Those three young men walked away from our conversation KNOWING that I loved them and that I didn’t want to see them end up in outer darkness. No one who hears the Westborough bunch could come to the conclusion that they do it out of love. In contrast, these Mormon young men knew that I loved them.

Maybe you don’t like it, but some times the most loving thing you can do is warn someone about hell. If you have a problem with it, take it up with Jesus. He spoke about hell much more than people realize. But then perhaps, He wasn’t as gentle as you would appreciate.

By: Bobby Tue, 24 Apr 2012 16:47:28 +0000 Cool no probs

Sent from my iPhone

By: H. Lions Tue, 24 Apr 2012 16:45:56 +0000 I’ll drop you an e mail about that Bob

By: Bobby Tue, 24 Apr 2012 15:18:01 +0000 Yeah I understand certainly the malls part, I think a lot of people who leave Mormonism or groups like it tend to want nothing more to do with any kind of organized religion, understandable really. What would you say you believe about Jesus now?

By: H. Lions Tue, 24 Apr 2012 08:02:57 +0000 I’m a deist in that I believe in the idea of higher powers and that all existence is a manifestation of that wonder that is existence, however I find the idea of religion (especially religions that build shopping Malls or own banks in the name of God,) highly unlikely to be true, since God if you choose to use that term, which is as good a name as any for the personification of the positive side of the natural order already is everything anyway.

By: Bobby Tue, 24 Apr 2012 06:55:45 +0000 Wow thats certainly a very religious background, where would you say you are with belief in God now?

By: H. Lions Mon, 23 Apr 2012 19:52:14 +0000 My mother was a staunch Salvation army member (or Tambourine Basher as my Dad called them) while my father was a fundamentalist Baptist, who though not religious in everyday life still believed heavily in the concept of combating Sin with brute physical force.
I grew up being told that associating with Catholics, Mormons, Jews, Quakers, Muslims etc was a damnation worthy sin. My mother delighted in telling us how the Devil (literally) lurked in every shadow ready to tempt us and claim our souls as his own and whispered in our ears at night. By the time I was seven I was a nervous wreck, unable to conceive that anything I did was not a sin and that I was not already irrevocably damned. Praying was to me was a nightly round of tearfully begging God not to send me to Hell if I died in my sleep, begging for protection from old nick while I slept and begging forgiveness for reading other books in preference to the bible.
My mother saw this as proof that she was bringing me up to be righteous and was protecting me from evil influence, my father was not so concerned with eternal punishment as with immediate punishment enacted by his simply threatening that he would not have his family seen to be ‘heathen’ under pain of… well pain.
Fortunately I began reading religious text books (as a forgivable alternate to the bible) in an attempt to come to terms with all this as I reached my late preteen years and began to discover there were ways to look at religion other than in the light of “Hell Fire and Damnation”
By the time I was Thirteen I was a practising member of the Quaker society of friends (via Methodism) and wavered between Pentecostal-ism and the Quakers until my first committed relationship in the mid eighties to a Mormon woman, who persuaded me to take the lessons and begin attending on and off at the local stake. My wife was also a Mormon and we were married in a Mormon Church after my conversion. It was later once I had taken the priesthood and began to get more or the ‘Meat’ of Mormonism that I began to realise that this was the same old doctrine dressed up in American fashions and that again a large amount of Mormons “strengthening your testimony” was based on plain and simple fear of (if not of actual damnation) not achieve the highest possible place of bliss in the after life.

By: Bobby Mon, 23 Apr 2012 15:08:48 +0000 Ah I will watch that thanks, out of interest what do you mean about spending the portion of your youth believing you were going to hell? Was that as LDS or before?

By: H. Lions Mon, 23 Apr 2012 12:04:42 +0000 Cheers Bob,
Your right of course and maybe I am a little touchy about that sort of thing having been brought up with it and spending a good portion of my youth honestly believing I was going to go to Hell.
There is a You Tube video of the Impossible Gospel being used in action here [youtube
It is worth noting how an older more experienced priesthood holder jumps in to save his brothers when he notices what is happening by manhandling the camerawoman.

By: Bobby Mon, 23 Apr 2012 05:46:46 +0000 Hey bud thats really great you watched it all, Keith is like any other human and not perfect, I think the heart behind why he will have done that is to help a Mormon realise that what they believe has serious implications that they have not considered. But we are never going to agree with everything everyone else does I guess thats life. Thanks for watching it though I am going to put a couple of other videos like this on soon just to make up for my own lack of time at the minute.
